What is a Windows VPS? Why use a Windows VPS? 22222222

Windows VPS is a VPS virtual server running on the Windows Operating System. Virtualization technology is used to create and run this virtual environment on a physical machine. Currently, VPS has been installed with operating systems that are used by many people such as Windows 7, Windows Server 2008/2012/2016,… Windows VPS is considered a great technology application in the industry. cloud computing, contributing to helping users become more familiar with server virtualization.

  1. Advantages of Windows VPS

– Windows VPS is fully functional, similar to a physical server running on a regular Windows operating system and other software and applications.

The backup and backup function of Windows VPS helps data always be processed and stored normally even when the system distributes a VPS from one physical server to another.

– Easy to use thanks to an extremely friendly interface. Users can access it easily and quickly, in just a few taps.

– Safety and security of user information to a certain extent.

– Solve the problem of bandwidth exceeding the limit due to sudden increase in visits, unlimited visits.

  1. Disadvantages of Windows VPS

– It is the popularity of Windows with users today that has made this operating system the target of high-level hackers. Windows is often affected by malicious code, security holes, or viruses …

– Windows is a paid operating system, so in many countries, the number of users using pirated versions of Windows is very large.

– The software used on Windows has limitations.

  1. Some notes when using Windows VPS

a, Can’t change IP

Each VPS has a certain IP, if this parameter is changed, you cannot access the VPS. In case you change the IP or leave the IP dynamic, it will cause a loss of connection on the VPS. Please ask the provider to reset the network parameters.

b, Use a Firewall

Using a Firewall is safe, but without configuration knowledge or wrong configuration, it will lead to IP blocking, port access, and service failure. So you should consider turning off / on the Firewall to use VPS effectively.

c, Avoid common passwords

Common passwords can be easily hacked by hackers by simply “passing”, so set a password that doesn’t follow any rules and is 10 or more characters long including lowercase letters. , uppercase, numbers, special characters.

d, Vulnerable to virtual server shutdown or restart

With the Windows mechanism, if the CPU usage (over 85%) is for a long time, the VPS will likely be turned off or restarted. This may interfere with your service.

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